Madness. This is because while I am a classic "chucker", hubby is a typical "hoarder". Every item has to be negotiated over, argued about, and in the end, I chuck it in the "to go" pile anyway. Obedient wife that I am.
This sale is held about 200 metres from my house, which makes it seem slightly bizarre that I need a ute to transport all the stuff, esp. the heavy furniture stuff. I suppose it also makes it handy that I can run home to grab anything I need/forgot!
This is all part of my vow to de-clutter my life, and my attempt to stick to the maxim "If it's not beautiful, sentimental or useful, get rid of it". I doubt we'll actually make any decent amount of money, this market is renowned for being particularly cheap, but I might make enough to shout myself a pedicure. Oh la la!!
It all seems like madness at the moment though, as this is my last child-free day before the market, so I should really be unpacking boxes, organising, sorting, pricing and generally getting my stuff together. Should be.
Unfortunately, I am still recovering from last night's migraine, and am currently still in my pj's, sipping my third straight cuppa and contemplating going back to bed. It's 9am, usually by now I've been up for 3 or 4 hours and done half a days work. I don't have to do the kindy run today, because my angel of a Mum came and took GG to her place last night for a last-minute sleep-over. What I did in some past life to deserve a Mum like her, I don't know, but I am very lucky!
I am desperately trying to find some motivation and energy, I am hoping for a second (or first) wind after I eat some breakfast. Wish me luck!
I have days like that. I am in that "mood" all this week. I sooo need to declutter my home. However, I am not motivated. But tomorrow I must do it. And do not talk about migraines... mine might hear you and come back. lol. Hope you feel better.