Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dare to Bare - Come and get naked with me!!

This is a flat out, throw-down-the-gauntlet challenge to all you women out there.

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Via Kristen at Wanderlust, I came across the lovely Jodie at Mummy Mayhem and her post that has started snowballing throughout my blogroll; Bloggers Without Their Makeup.

This is a subject close to my heart, not just because of those horrible magazines who photo-shop already skinny girls til they practically don't exist, and correct every 'flaw' in their skin til they resemble a cartoon character, but because it hits quite close to home.

I'll elaborate more in my "Naked Post" tomorrow, but it's all about loving our true selves, and showing that acceptance of ourselves to a vunerable and impressionalbe next generation.

So - I'll be joining in, will you? And don't think you need a blog of your own to post shots of yourself sans makeup, I, being the incredibly generous soul that I am, will happily post your photo here, if you're game enough to show your true self to the world. Just send it to me here.

Get naked and get blogging!


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