Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

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  1. Licking the spatula was always my favorite part of baking with mommy.

  2. First smile of my day! Thank you :o)

    Makes me wish dearly that I had grabbed the camera instead of a glass of water when I walked out onto the deck to rejoin my toddler. We were watering our new plants and I stepped inside for more water. She smiles up at me with a mouth full of dirt...could hardly even see her teeth then she started licking her fingers. I nearly died laughing...and trying to hold it in. I wouldn't want her to think eating dirt made mommy laugh. She's all about having an audience and making others laugh.

  3. Licking the spatula photos always makes the best ones! Just gorgeous!

  4. Gorgeous! Just gorgeous. Love that big cheesy grin, GO GG! xo


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